Academic Teaching, Curriculum, Development and Student Advisement
Curriculum Development in MALS at The Graduate Center, CUNY
- Proposed new MALS concentration, the Archaeology of the Classical, Late Antique, and Islamic Worlds, with Dee Clayman (EO of Classics PhD Program) and revised course offerings as appropriate
- Collaborated with colleagues to formulate new concentrations, such as Social and Environmental Justice Studies, and assisted them on revision of proposals
- Helped develop the MALS Capstone Project, an alternative to the MA thesis
- Helped devise a system to record student concentrations to aid course scheduling
- Helped develop a concentration in individual studies, allowing students to design their own course of study
- Developed an internship course, the first one at the GC, to enable MALS students to get academic credit for internships
- Helped develop a new thesis writing course for MALS students
Graduate Courses Taught at The Graduate Center, CUNY
- MALS 70200: Constructing History: Architecture and Alternative Histories of New York City, Fall 2020 (also titled Metropolis: A Political, Historical, and Sociological Profile of New York)
- MALS 70000: Introduction to Graduate Liberal Studies (subtitle: World’s Fairs), Fall 2020
- MALS 74500: Great Digs: Important Sites of the Classical, Late Antique and Islamic Worlds, Fall 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019
- MALS 73800: Internship Course, Spring 2018 (independent studies course in multiple semesters)
- MALS 70000: Introduction to Graduate Liberal Studies (subtitle: Becoming Lewis Mumford: Studying, Analyzing, and Writing About the Architecture of New York City), Spring 2013, 2016
- MES 73000: Early Islamic Art and Architecture, Fall 2015
- CLAS 74300: Topics in Roman Art and Archeology: Roman Architecture, Spring 2015
- MES 73000: Islamic Art and Architecture, Spring 2014
- CLAS 74300: Topics in Roman Art and Archeology: The City of Rome: Archaeology, History and Topography of the Ancient City, Fall 2013
- CLAS 74100: Art and Archaeology of the Greco-Roman Near East and Egypt, Spring 2013
- MES 73000: Islamic Architecture, Spring 2012
- MALS 70100: Narratives of New York: Ancient Forms in New Worlds, Spring 2012, 2017
- CLAS 74300: Topics in Roman Art and Archeology: Pompeii and Herculaneum, Fall 2011
Undergraduate Courses
- Pompeii and Herculaneum, Lecture Course, Royal Holloway, University of London, Spring 2008
- Roman Art, Lecture Course, Royal Holloway, University of London, Spring 2008
- Greek and Roman Architecture, Greek Art, Roman Art, Tutor for External Classics B.A. Degree, Royal Holloway, University of London, 2008-2011
- Roman Art, Roman Architecture and Cities and Settlement Courses, Tutor, University of Oxford, 2006-2009
- Classical Art in Context, Department of Classics, Teacher, The University of Nottingham, 2007
Student Advisement
- PhD Dissertation Committees
- Alice Lynn McMichael, Rising Above the Faithful: Monumental Ceiling Crosses in Byzantine Cappadocia, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2016.
- Jared Simard, Rockefeller Center and Classicism, PhD Program in Classics, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2016.
- Mohamed Kenawi, The Archaeology of the Western Delta, Egypt, Universities of Siena and Trento, 2011.
- PhD Orals / Second Examination Committees
- Tom Ryan, PhD Program in Anthropology, 2020-2021
- Glenn Koyer, PhD Program in Anthropology, 2019-2020
- Sarah Mady, PhD Program in Anthropology, 2019-2020
- Nuray Yilmaz, PhD Program in Anthropology, 2019-2020
- Nickolas Karagiannis, PhD Program in History, Late Antique and early Islamic Art minor field, The Graduate Center, 2017
- Aneta Samkoff, PhD Program in Art History, Islamic Art minor field, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2014
- Completed MA Theses
- LaShante St. Fleur, “Landscape and Lore: River Acheron and the Oracle of the Dead,” 2020
- Gail Addiss, “The Critique Became the Counter-Narrative: Planning Manhattan North of the Street Grid,” 2019
- Wanett Clyde, “Clothing the Black Body in Slavery: What They Wore and How it was Made,” 2019
- Elizabeth Kurtulik Mercuri, “Romanization through Mosaics: Transitions at Fishbourne and Colchester,” 2019
- Julia Herrera-Moreno, “A Parade of Identities: Negotiation of Ethic Identities in Three New York City Cultural Parades,” 2019
- Nisha N. Ramracha, “The Iconography of the Gold and Silver Coinage of Philip II of Macedon and Alexander the Great,” 2019
- Barbara F. Caceres-Cerda, “The Exceptional Case of Plancia Magna: (Re)analyzing the Role of a Roman Benefactress,” 2018
- Naeem Din, “Shadows of Empire: Mughal and British Colonial Architectural Heritage of Lahore,” 2018
- Carmen Tangle, “Transforming Traditions: Suburban Cordoba during the Umayyad Caliphate,” 2018
- Michael Handis, “The Library of Pantainos: A Unique Ancient Library,” 2018
- Thomas Ryan, Landscape and Identity in Late Iron-Age and Early Roman Britain, MA in Liberal Studies (Advisor), 2014. Thomas is currently pursuing his PhD in the Anthropology Program at The Graduate Center.
- Dennis Cummins, The Role of Water in the Rise, Prominence, and Decline of Nabataean Petra, MA in Middle Eastern Studies (Advisor), 2014.
- Lindsay Dobrovolny, The Effect of the Frederick Schultz Ruling on Cultural Property Rights and the Debate Surrounding Patrimony and Repatriation, MA in Art History, Hunter College (Second reader), 2013.
- Matilda Nikenhasani, “Is Behavior Determined by Biological Processes?” 2018
- Assisted other students to complete their theses
- Interactive Technology Independent Study Project Supervision
- Jared Simard, Mapping Mythology, digital project on representations of Classical Myth in New York City, 2012-2016.
- This supervision also resulted in a co-authored article (with J. Simard) on the Column of Jerash in Queens that was published in the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (2015), 341–62.
92nd Street Y Continuing Education Course
- 4-week course on the Ancient Architecture of New York City (May 20-June 10 2021)